Jeremy Punsalan

Senior Software Engineer

Software Engineering Manager


Jeremy Punsalan

Senior Software Engineer

Software Engineering Manager


Blog Post

My encounter with COVID

February 20, 2021 Miscellaneous

Being diagnosed with COVID should not be a death sentence.

As a COVID patient survivor, at first it was scary that something like this happened in your life. Due to the news and info that are circulating regarding this virus, I was wondering if I can survive this. The fact that my lifestyle, due to the nature of my work, became sedentary, it is really scary the scenario of getting this sickness.

But how did I survive this? And how did I take this together with my family?

Rest, rest, rest

Your body needs to recuperate while having the virus and to fight the virus, you should have plenty of rest. You should sleep at least 8 hrs a day.

Water is your bestfriend

Taking a lot of liquids, specially water, will help you fight the symptoms of COVID like coughs and colds. 

Taking vitamins will help, specially Vitamin C

To have a stronger immunity on the symptoms, vitamin c can help your body. This is not only for the COVID but also for your immunity system as a whole.


Noticed that I capitalized this? Because this is important and to avoid infecting other people on your home. As much as possible you should not go outside and always lock your room. If you can isolate yourself until you get a negative swab test result, or at least you are feeling better, then stay at your room.

Wear a facemask at home

If you cant avoid going outside your room, you should wear a mask even at home, this is to avoid infecting people around your home.

After 14 days since your self-imposed quarantine, force your family to have tested for COVID

This is also important. Once you have yourself isolated for 14 days, you need yourself and your family tested. 

Pray to our Maker

This is the most important step. Always bring everything up to Him and let Him heal you. Once youre healed, give thanks to Him.

Nevertheless, I am thankful that I was recovered from the symptoms of COVID. 

Thank you for visiting my site! If you have questions, you may email me at

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